Premium Season Battl

10.00 USD

Important: You can only buy one battle pass for each season. Buying multiple season passes within one season will not stack!

No refunds will be given if you buy two battle passes within a season.

This season's potential battle pass rewards:

Everything included in the free pass
Over 3,000 Obsidian
Over 200 Bedrock
Over 100 Spawners
Over 500 Notch Apples
Over 500 Lucky Keys
Over 100 God Keys
Over 50 Titan Keys
Over 1,000 Common/Rare/Legendary CE Lost Books
Up to 3 Dragon Eggs
A permanent upgrade to Hero, Elite, or Legend
Unlimited in-game shop currency - Disclaimer: This pass provides $500,000 in tiers alone, but premium users will be continuously awarded $100,000 for every additional 1,000 battle pass points they earn after completing all tiers of the battle pass.

These items can be earned by doing various types of missions!

To see your progress and to redeem rewards in your battle pass, use /battlepass

Note: This pass can be only purchased for the current season, and will expire at the end of the season. Each season lasts a total of 4 weeks, or 28 days.

Also: Battle passes never go on sale.